The Tuberculosis Specimen

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Testing for mouseover, for Kalani

Hi Kalani!

I don’t have a good piece of text for doing the opacity over text, so this is a stand-in for you to test.

This is a comment about tuberculosis’ doctors. This is a comment about a patient and how they were treated. I want to describe a specific case here: John Doe suffered after being treated with artificial pneumothorax. Many patients were treated with this method, which involved piping nitrogen into the lung to cause a partial collapse of the cavity. The Henry Phipps institute treated over a hundred patients in this way. Lawrence F. Flick once said “those poors”.

This is a comment that involves sensitive information of a patient to be described.

This is a comment that involves general information about a range of patients at a single center.

This is a comment about Lawrence F. Flick, a doctor. He treated Jane Doe on January 1, 1900 with a lot of opium.

I disagree with these ideas. Flick was obviously out of his gourd.

Sean Purcell,2023 - 2024. Community-Archive Jekyll Theme by Kalani Craig is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Framework: Foundation 6.