The Tuberculosis Specimen

8.1.3: References: Tuberculosis Corpus

Chapter 8

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Every Publication Included in the Tuberculosis Corpus

A Compilation of the Laws, Regulations and Agencies relating to Tuberculosis. Edited by Biggs, Hermann M.. Albany: J. B. Lyon Company Press, 1919.

A Series of Public Lectures Specially Prepared for the Sixth International Congress on Tuberculosis. Philadelphia: William F. Fell Company, 1908.

Academy of Sciences of Berlin. 1910.

Alsaker, R. L.. Conquering Consumption. New York: Frank E. Morrison, 1917.

American Federation of Labor. Tuberculosis: Don’t Give Consumption to Others Don’t Let Others Give it to You Don’t Delay! Join a Labor Union and Help Stamp Out Consumption. Washington D. C.: American Federation of Labor, 1918.

American Journal of Medical Scienc. 1905.

American Journal of the Medical Sciences .

American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 1898-1899.

American Practitioner and News. 1887.

American Red Cross in Italy. Report of the Commission for Tuberculosis American Red Cross in Italy: AN Attempt to Establish a Method of International Cooperation in Public Health and Welfare Work. Rome: Union Editrice, 1919.

American Review of Tuberculosis. 1922.

Anderson, McCall. Clinical Lectures on the Curability of Attacks of Tubercular Peritonitis and Acute Phthisis (Galloping Consumption). Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1877.

Annals of Surgery. 1888.

Annual Conference of the American Medical Association on Education, Legislation and Public Health. 1912.

Annual Medical Report of the Trudeau Sanatorium and the Thirteenth Medical Supplement for the Year Ending October 31, 1917. 1917-1919.

Annual Medical Report of the Trudeau Sanatorium and the Thirteenth Medical Supplement for the Year Ending October 31, 1917. 1920-1924.

Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Medical Society. 1907.

Annual Meeting of the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. 1910.

Annual Report of the Canadian Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. : Canadian Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, 1917.

Annual Report of the Chicago Tuberculosis Institute. 1907-1908.

Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science. 1905.

Annual Report of the Michigan Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis. Ann Arbor: , 1910.

Annual Report of the Michigan Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis. Ann Arbor: , 1910.

Annual Report of the North Carolina Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis Under Control of State Board of Health. Raleigh: Edwards & Broughton Printing Co, 1915-1918.

Annual Report of the State Tuberculosis Sanatomrium. Austin: Von Boeckmann-Jones, 1916-1917.

Annual Report of the Trustees of the Massachusetts State Sanatorium. Boston: Wright & Potter Printing Co., 1902.

AnnualReport of the Canadian Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. : Canadian Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, 1915.

AnnualReport of the Canadian Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. : Canadian Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, 1916.

AnnualReport of the Canadian Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. : Canadian Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, 1919.

Anti-Tuberculosis Health League. The Fight Against Tuberculosis for Community and Home Protection: Yours and Mine; Here and Now. ND.

Archives of Internal Medicine. 1911.

Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. Two Years of the Home Hospital Experiment. New York: Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, 1912-1914.

Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis of the District of Columbia. Washington Health Rules: A Commentary on the Twelve Health Rules Formulated and Distributed by the Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis of the District of Columbia. Washington D.C.: Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis of the District of Columbia, 1915.

Association of Executive Health Officers of Ontario. 1898.

Atkinson, Charles E.. Lessons on Tuberculosis and Consumption for the Household. New York and London: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1922.

Bandelier, B. & Roepke, O.. A Clinical System of Tuberculosis: Describing all Forms of the Disease.Translated by Hunt. New York: William Wood and Company, 1913.

Bardswell, Noel Dean & Chapman, John Ellis. Diet in Tuberculosis, with Costs of Foods and Their Preparation. New York: Oxford University Press, 1910.

Bardswell, Noel Dean. Advice to Consumptives: Home Treatment, After-Care and Prevention. London: A. & C. Black, LTD., 1920.

Bartlett, Reuel. Colorado for Consumptives, Asthmatics and Inquiring Invalids with Examination Chart. Boulder: Daily Herald Job Print, 1888.

Bell, James. The Treatment of Tuberculosis of the Bladder Through a Supra-Pubic Section.1892.

Biggs, Hermann M.. A Brief History of the Campaign Against Tuberculosis in New York City.1908.

Bird, S. Dougan. On Hydatids of the Lung: Their Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment. Melbourne, Sydney & Adelaide: George Robertson, 1877.

Birnbaum, Max. Prof. Koch’s Method to Cure Tuberculosis Popularly Treated.Translated by Brendecke. Milwaukee: H. E. Haferkorn, 1891.

Black, John J. Consumptives in Delaware. : Self Published, 1902.

Board of Health of the State of New Jersey. Prevention of Tuberculosis. New Jersey: Board of Health of the State of New Jersey, 1906.

Bonney, Sherman G.. Pulmonary Tuberculosis and its Complications: With Special Reference to Diagnosis and Treatment for General Practitioners and Students. Philadelphia & London: W. B. Saunders Company, 1910.

Brandt, Lilian. A Directory of Institutions and Societies Dealing with Tuberculosis in the United States and Canada. New York 1904.

Bridge, Norman & Lindley, Walter. The Idyllwild Sanatorium: San Gorgino Mountains Riverside Co. Cal..1901.

Bridge, Norman. Tuberculosis: Recast from Lectures Delivered at Rush Medical College, in Affiliation with the University of Chicago. Philadelphia, New York, London: W. B. Saunders & Company, 1903.

Brigham, Gershom N.. Phthisis Pulmonalis: or Tubercular Consumption. New York & Philadelphia: Boericke & Tafel, 1882.

Brown, Lawrason & Sampson, Homer L.. Intestinal Tuberculosis: Its Importance, Diagnosis and Treatment A Study of the Secondary Ulcerative Type. Philadelphia & New York: Lea & Febiger, 1926.

Brown, Lawrason. Rules for Recovery from Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Layman’s Handbook of Treatment. Philadelphia & New York: Lea & Febiger, 1916.

Brown, Udetta D.. The Houses of Amsterdam New York with some Notes on the Prevalence of Tuberculosis.1917.

Browne, Lennox. Koch’s Remedy in Relation Specially to Throat Consumption. London: Balliére, Tindall, and Cox., 1891.

Brush, E. F.. The Association of Human and Bovine Tuberculosis. New York and Albany: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co. Printers, 1898.

Bryce, P. H.. Report on Tuberculosis in Ontario. Toronto: Warwick Bros & Rutter, 1894.

Buhl, Ludwig. Inflammation of the Lungs: Tuberculosis and Consumption. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1874.

Bulletin of the Chicago Tuberculosis Institute. 1913-1920.

Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital: Special Tuberculosis Number. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1911.

Bulletin of the Michigan Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis. 1911-1917.

Bulletin of the Russell Sage Foundation Library. 1916.

Burkart, John L. & The Michigan State Board of Health. State of Michigan Report of the Tuberculosis Survey of the State Board of Health for Twelve Months from October 1, 1915, to October 1, 1916, under the provisions of Act 238 of the Public Acts of 1915. Lansing: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co., State Printers, 1917.

Burkart, John L. & The State of Michigan. Report of the Tuberculosis Survey of the State Board of Health for the Twelve Months from October 1, 1915, to October 1, 1916, under the provisions of Act 238 of the Public Acts of 1915. Lansing: Wenkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co, 1917.

Burnett, J. Compton. The New Cure for Consumption by its Own Virus. Philadelphia: Boericke & Tafel, 1900.

Burt, W. H.. Therapeutics of Tuberculosis or Pulmonary Consumption. New York & Philadelphia: Boericke & Tafel, 1876.

Burt, W. H.. Tuberculosis or Pulmonary Consumption. Chicago: W. T. Keener, 1890.

Burton-Fanning, F. W.. The Open-Air Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. London, Paris, New York and Melbourne: Cassel and Company, Limited, 1905.

Bushnell, George E.. A Study in the Epidemiology of Tuberculosis with Especial Reference to Tuberculosis of the Tropics and of the Negro Race. New York: William Wood and Company, 1920.

Calgary the Denver of Canada: Its Adaptability as a Health Resort and as a Site for the Dominion Sanatorium for the Treatment of Consumptives. Calgary: Calgary Herald Press, 1895.

California State Board of Health. Physician’s Note Book on The Early Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. California: State Printing Office, 1914.

California State Board of Health. Report of the California Tuberculosis Commission of the State Board of Health. California: State Printing Offie, 1914.

California State Board of Health. Standardization for Tuberculosis Wards or Pavilions of County Hospitals. California: State Printing Office, 1916.

California State Board of Health. Tuberculosis Primer for School Children. Sacramento: California State Printing Office, 1916.

California State Board of Health. What You Should Know About Tuberculosis. : California State Printing Office, 1916.

California State Journal of Medicine. 1914.

Canada Medical & Surgical Journal. 1887.

Carmody, T. E.. The Differential Diagnosis of Lesions of the Mouth Due to Carcinoma, Sarcoma, Syphilis and Tuberculosis.1909.

Carrington, Paul M.. Further Observations on the Treatment of Tuberculosis at Fort Stanton, New Mexico. Carlisle: The Association of Military Surgeons, 1904.

Carrington, Thomas Spees. Tuberculosis Hospital and Sanatorium Construction. New York: National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, 1911.

Cattarugus County Health Demonstration Bureau of Tuberculosis. Home Treatment Standards for Tuberculosis Patients. Olean: Cattarugus County Health Demonstration Bureau of Tuberculosis, 1925.

Chandler, Willis E. & Winslow, C. E. A.. The Tuberculosis Problem in Rhode Island: A Survey Conducted for the Rhode Island Tuberculosis Association. Providence: The Providence Press, 1920.

Chapin, Charles V.. State Control of Tuberculosis. Providence: Snow & Farnham, 1900.

Charities and the Commons. Edited by Devine, Edward T., Taylor, Graham, Frankel, Lee K., Kellogg, Paul U. & Palmer, Lewis E.. 1908.

Cheney, Horace B., LaRue, Omer, State of Connecticut. Report of Factory Conditions in Connecticut as Related to Tuberculosis. Hartford: Connecticut State, 1908.

Chicago Tuberculosis Institute. Examination of Employes for Tuberculosis. : Chicago Tuberculosis Institute, 1912.

Chicago Tuberculosis Institute. Examination of Employes for Tuberculosis. Chicago: Committee on Factories of The Chicago Tuberculosis Institute, 1912.

Churchill, John Francis. Consumption and Tuberculosis: Their Proximate Cause and Specific Treatment by the Hypophosphites upon the Principles of Stoechiological Medicine. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1875.

Churchill, John Francis. The Stoechiological Cure of Consumption and Diseases of the Respiratory organs from letters to a Patient. London: David Stott, 1893.

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City of Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanatarium Bulletin. 1925-26.

City of Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanatorium Monthly Bulletin. 1917-1924.

City of Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium. The Municipal Control of Tuberculosis in Chicago: City of Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanatarium: Its History and Provisions. Chicago: The City of Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanataroum, 1915.

Clapp, Herbert C.. Is Consumption Contagious? And can it be Transmitted by Means of Food?. Boston & Providence: Otis Clapp & Son, 1881.

Cobbett, Louis. The Causes of Tuberculosis: Together with Some Account of the Prevalence and Distribution of the Disease. Edited by Graham-SmithPurvis.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1917.

College of Physicians of Philadelphia. 1912.

Committee for Prevention of Consumption of the AssociatedCharities. Simple Lessons on Tuberculosis or Consumption for School Children of the Seventh and Eighth Grades. Washington D. C.: Committee for Prevention of Consumption of the Associated Charities, 1908.

Committee on Indian Affairs. Tuberculosis Among the North American indians: Report of a Committee of the National Tuberculosis Association Appointed on October 28, 1921 on Tuberculosis Among the North American Indians. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1923.

Conference of the International Union Against Tuberculosis. New York: National Tuberculosis Association of the United States of America, 1926.

Conference of the International Union Against Tuberculosis. Washington D. C.: , 1926.

Conference of the local Committees on the Prevention of Tuberculosis of the State Charities Aid Association. 1910.

Congreve, George Thomas. Consumption of the Lungs, or Decline; and its Successful Treatment: Showing that Formidable Disease to be Curable in all its Stages with Observations on Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, &c., &c.. New York: Self Published, 1881.

Connecticut State Conference of Charities and Corrections. 1914.

Consumption Cures. Chicago: American Medical Association, 1917.

Contributions to the Study of Tuberculosis by Research Department. Denver: National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives, 1920.

Cormac, Henry Mac. Consumption and the Breath Rebreathed: Being a Sequel to the Authors Treatise on Consumption. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1872.

Cornet, Georg. Acute General Miliary Tuberculosis. New York: Paul B. Hoeber, 1914.

Cornet, Georg. Tuberculosis and Acute General Miliary Tuberculosis. Edited by Jameson. Translated by Stengel. Philadelphia, New York, London: W. B. Saunders & Company, 1904.

Cox, George H. & MacLeod, John W.. Consumption: Its Cause, Prevention, and Cure. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1912.

Creighton, Charles. Contributions to the Physiological Theory of Tuberculosis. London: Williams & Norgate, 1908.

Crofton, W. M.. Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Its Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston’s Son & Co., 1917.

Crowe, H. Warren. Consumption: Treatment at Home and Rules for Living. Canada & England: The Canadian Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis; John Wright & Sons, 1909.

Crowell, F. Elisabeth & National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis Dispensary Method and Procedure. New York: National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, 1916.

Crowell, F. Elisabeth. Tuberculosis Dispensary Method and Procedure. New York: Vail-Ballou Company, 1916.

Cumulative and Title Index of the Transactions of the National Tuberculosis Association: 1905-1920. Edited by Ward, Ella Hoffman. New York: National Tuberculosis Association, 1921.

Danish Works on Tuberculosis: Since the Days of Villemin. Edited by Bang.Copenhagen: O. C. Olsen & Co., 1908.

Dansdill, Theresa. Health Training in Schools: A Handbook for Teachers and Health Workers. New York: National Tuberculosis Association, 1926.

Davis, C. H. Stanley. The Self-Cure of Consumption without Medicine with a Chapter on the Prevention of Consumption and Other Diseases. New York: E. B. Treat & Company, 1904.

Davis, N. S.. Consumption: How to Prevent it and How to Live With It. Philadelphia & London: F. A. Davis, 1891.

Davis, N. S.. Consumption: How to Prevent it and How to Live With It.1908.

Densmore, Emmet. Consumption and Chronic Diseases: A Hygienic Cure, At Patient’s Home of Incipient and Advanced Cases. London: Sonnenschein & Co., 1899.

Department of Health Buffalo NY_Buffalo. The Cost of Tuberculosis to the County of Erie. Buffalo NY: Department of Health, ND.

Department of Health City of Los Angeles. Suggestions Regarding Tuberculosis. Los Angeles ND.

Department of Health City of New York. Hand Book of Help for Persons Suffering from Pulmonary Tuberculosis (Consumption) Directory of Tuberculosis Hospitals Sanatoria and Clinics. New York: Department of Health, 1915.

Department of Health, Canada. What you Should Know about Tuberculosis. Ottawa: F. A. Acland, 1922.

Descriptive Catalogue of the Museum of the British Congress on Tuberculosis. Edited by Horne, W. Jobson. London: Adlard & Son, 1901.

Dispe .

Dispensary Control of Tuberculosis in New York City. 1918.

Dispensary Control of Tuberculosis: 1920 Yearbook. 1920.

Dispensary Control of Tuberculosis: Year Book 1924. 1924.

Dispensary Control of Tuberculosis. 1911.

Dixon, Samuel G.. The Prevention of Tuberculosis.1906.

Dominion of Canada. Regulations relating to Tuberculosis.1914.

Drewry, G. Overend. Consumption and Wasting Diseases Successfully Treated by ‘Hydrated Oil’. London: Diprose, bateman & Co., 1877.

Dunham, Kennon. Stereoroentgenography: Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Troy NY: The Southworth Co., 1917.

Dupray, Martin. Autogenous Streptococcus Vaccines in the Treatment of Pulmonary TUberculosis. : University of Washington, 1914.

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Dworetzky, Julius. Laryngeal Tuberculosis. New York: Department of Health of the City of New York, 1916.

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English, James J.. Tuberculosis and Dyspepsia vs. Food and Nature. Denver: Eames Bros., 1914.

Evans, George A.. Hand-Book of Historical and Geographical Phthisology: With Special Reference to the Distribution of Consumption in the United States. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1888.

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Fishberg, Maurice. Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Philadelphia & New York: Lea & Febiger, 1916.

Flick, Lawrence F.. Consumption a Curable and Preventable Disease: What a Layman Should Know About It. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1903.

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Fraser, John. Tuberculosis of the Bones and Joints in Children. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914.

French, Roy L.. Home Care of Consumptives. New York & London: G. B. Putnam’s Sons; The Knickerbocker Press, 1916.

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Gardiner, C. F.. The Care of the Consumptive: A Consideration of the Scientific Use of Natural Therapeutic Agencies in the Prevention and Cure of Consumption; Together with a Chapter on Colorado as a Resort for Invalids. New York & London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1900.

Gay, Strawn Aldrich. A Tuberculosis Hospital and Sanatorium. : University of Illinois, 1913.

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Gibson, Thomas Werner. Tuberculosis: Its Prevention and Proper Treatment.1917.

Gittings, J. Claxton, Knowles, Frank Crozer, & Ashhurst,Astley P.C.. Tuberculosis in Infancy and Childhood: Lectures Delivered at the Children’s Hospital, Philadelphia, under the Auspices of the Philadelphia Pediatric Society. Philadelphia & London: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1922.

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